Ad Hoc Committee Integrity

The Ad Hoc Committee Integrity is still in its infancy stage. It was established to create a code of conduct for the Members of Parliament to adhere to. The Integrity Committee has the role of promoting transparency and integrity for the Members of Parliament.

1. MP Akeem E. Arrindell
2. MP Sidharth M. Bijlani, Vice Chairman
3. MP Solange L. Duncan
4. MP Melissa D. Gumbs
5. MP Grisha S. Heyliger-Marten
6. MP William V. Marlin
7. MP George C. Pantophlet
8. MP Raeyhon A. Peterson
9. MP Hyacinth L. Richardson
10. MP Angelique J.G. Romou. Chairlady
11. MP Ludmila N.L. de Weever
12. MP Sarah A. Wescot-Williams
griffier: A.A. Groen-Gumbs, LL.M.