Grisha S. Heyliger-Marten

Grisha S. Heyliger-Marten was born in Sint Maarten, on July 28, 1976. She has been a Member of Parliament for 1873 Days.

› Email:

› Facebook: MP Grisha Heyliger-Marten

› Instagram: Grishaheliger

Degree Title/School:
Master’s Degree, Business | Haagse Hoogeschool | Arnhem/Nijmegen
Bachelor’s Degree, B.A Business Administration | Florida Memorial University

Job Title/Company:
Member of Parliament | Sint Maarten | February 10, 2020- Present
Chief Executive Officer | Montage N.V | 2009 – Present
Marketing & Sales Manager | SMITCOMS | 2000-2008

Extracurricular Activities:
Event Planner, Marketing & Sales Manager Consultant

Awards / Recognition:


›Committee of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure
›Committee of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Affairs
›Committee of Justice
›Committee of Public Health, Social Development and Labor
›Comittee of Kingdom Affairs and Interparliamentary Relations
›Committee of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunication
›Committee of Petitions
›Committee Country’s Expenditures
›Committee of Parlatino matters
›Ad Hoc Committee for the Preparation of the Construction of a New Building for Parliament
›Ad Hoc Committee Electoral Reform
›Committee of District Councils